Curious About Dental Implants?
Our Patients Tell The Story Best

Sedation Dentistry | Dental Crowns | Invisalign
For me, it's been amazing because I can get the treatment that I need done and not have to worry about being so stressed during it. I wake up and everything's been finished and completed.

- Calming Your Dental Anxiety
Trade Dentures for All-on-4® Dental Implants
Are you struggling to live a healthy and confident life because of missing teeth? Do you have difficulty eating most foods? Are you experiencing constant pain or discomfort in your mouth? Do you shy away from smiling or socializing? It’s time to trade the limitations of tooth loss and dentures for a secure, attractive alternative: All-on-4 dental implants!
Our implant dentist, Dr. Edwin Porter, is trained in this life-changing solution and can often provide this treatment in as little as one day! With fixed full mouth dental implants, you can enjoy a stable bite and an attractive smile that improves your health, function, and confidence.
Are you considering restoring your smile with All-On-4 Dental Implants? Contact our implant dentist today to schedule your appointment!

$500 Off Dental Treatment
The Life-Changing Benefits of All-on-4

- Life-like, attractive, and stable teeth
- Over 98% dental function restored
- Designed to last for decades
- Virtually unlimited diet
- Restored confidence and wellbeing
- Streamlined treatment and cost
Comparing All-on-4 with Other Solutions
All-on-4 dental implants provide clear benefits to patients, no matter the extent of your tooth and bone loss.
Because only four dental implants are used, we have the flexibility to place them in more strategic areas of your jaw that take advantage of dense bone. This eliminates the need for bone grafting, both shortening your treatment time and reducing costs.
Your All-on-4 dental implants in Charlotte, NC secure a permanent zirconia bridge of teeth that enables virtually unlimited food choices, so you can maintain proper oral and physical health.
To date, zirconia is one of the best materials used in implant dentistry, able to withstand the forces of biting and chewing, while providing the most naturally life-like appearance. Your smile will look beautiful and will remain stable when you eat.
Additionally, you won’t need to modify your oral hygiene routine as these full mouth dental implants are cared for just like natural teeth. With proper maintenance, All-on-4 dental implants can last decades, and often for the rest of a patient’s life!

A Stable Solution to Dentures
Our All-on-4 Treatment Process
Our full mouth dental implant treatments are high-tech, personalized, and efficient. We complete all phases of your treatment in-house and work with a state-of-the-art dental lab to maintain a superior level of quality and personalization, from your consultation to the delivery of your final teeth.
Phase 1: Treatment Planning
We begin your All-on-4 dental implants treatment process with a personalized consultation, evaluation, and diagnostics, including digital impressions and a CBCT scan.
It’s important that we discuss expectations for treatment and your smile goals. This guides us to design a smile that fits your specifications as well as your unique facial characteristics. Our goal is to provide a permanent set of teeth that look and feel completely natural.
Before your implant placement, we’ll virtually map out your surgery to determine the exact location of your implants for optimal support and long-term function, then print a custom surgical guide.

The surgical phase of your treatment can generally be completed in a single appointment. Due to the unique protocol of All-on-4 dental implants, we often don’t need to complete bone grafting. In most cases, our patients only undergo one surgery: dental implant placement.
Once you are resting under sedation, we’ll place the four dental implants in the pre-determined locations in your jawbone. With assistance from the custom surgical guide, we eliminate the uncertainty and potential danger of free-hand techniques to instead provide exacting surgery with predictable results.
If you qualify, we’ll secure an acrylic temporary the day of your surgery, so you’ll never be without teeth.
Phase 3: Delivery Of Permanent Teeth
Following a three-to-six month healing period, the temporary prosthesis will be replaced with a final zirconia prosthesis. The zirconia prosthesis’ color, size, and shape are custom designed to give patients a natural looking new smile!

Financing Your Dental Implant Investment
You may be concerned with the cost of your treatment, and rightly so. We consider All-on-4 dental implants to be a lifelong investment in your health and quality of life.
To secure these benefits, our team embraces new digital technologies, advanced techniques, and superior materials along with continuing to remain at the forefront of implant dentistry as it evolves. Our treatment costs reflect this high-quality of care, so you can rest assured knowing you’re receiving the care you deserve.
What many patients don’t realize is that dental financing is a simple and secure way to pay for our treatment. We have partnered with trusted financing companies, including CareCredit®, and Wells Fargo, to make this process streamlined and easy. Many patients qualify for financing immediately and secure low monthly payments that fit within their budgets.
We can help you finance your All-on-4 dental implants and provide you with a permanent new smile! Invest in your future health, function, and wellbeing today!

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