What Does A Porcelain Veneer Procedure Process Look Like?

Photo of a doctor holding a pair of implants

When people have chipped, stained, crooked or misaligned teeth, these dental imperfections can have a negative impact on their ability to smile or speak without embarrassment. Fortunately, dental veneers in Charlotte, NC can enhance the look of a patients imperfect looking smile for years to come. The best part is, there is a trusted and proven procedure process when people enhance their smile with porcelain veneers.


Continue reading to learn more about what the porcelain veneer procedure process looks like.


The Procedure Process For Placing Porcelain Veneers In Charlotte, NC


The porcelain veneer procedure process is very straightforward and can be very successful in rejuvenating the look of peoples smiles. The procedure process begins with patients getting a small amount of the front surface of their tooth enamel shaved offed. Next, impressions of the patient’s teeth will be taken so their porcelain veneers are custom-made to fit their exact smile.


When the porcelain veneers are made, they can be bonded onto the front surface of the patient’s imperfect teeth, giving them an aesthetically enhanced smile makeover. with precisely placed, patients will have the beautiful and natural looking new smile of their dreams.

How Can I Care For My Precisely Placed Porcelain Veneers In Charlotte, NC?


Once the patient’s smile enhancing porcelain veneers are placed, it is important that they are properly taken care of so that they last a long time. Here are a few tips on how to take are of porcelain veneers so that they benefit the patients smile for years:

  • Avoid chewing on hard objects, like pens, ice, or fingernails.
  • Never use teeth to open packaging.
  • Try not to chew with the front teeth. Eat harder foods with back teeth only.
  • Don’t grind or clinch teeth.
  • Wear a mouth guard when playing any sports.


Come To Our Office So We Can Fix Your Smile Imperfections With Porcelain Veneers


Be free of chipped, crooked, discolored, or unsightly teeth with personalized porcelain veneers. Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with our doctors, , Dr. Edwin Porter, DDS, FAGD and our exceptional team at our office by Charlotte, NC to schedule your consultation!

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