Before & After - Implants, Veneers

Jeff's Before And Afters

Learn More About Their Story!


After years of wear and tear, acid erosion, clenching, and grinding, Jeffery had a deteriorated oral condition. The severe notching at the gumline was caused by years of attrition. Several teeth were cracked, and infection was setting in.


The removal of cracked and unsavable teeth allowed for the placement of full ceramic crowns and bridges on both arches. This treatment restored the function, length, and color of his smile. Crown margins on the lower anterior teeth were placed supragingival to avoid any periodontal issues in the future. This treatment addressed his aesthetic concerns and strengthened his teeth so that they would last for years to come.

jeffery before his smile makeover with lots of plaque that hardened to calculusjeffery a patient at charlotte dental arts that got veneers

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