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3 Reasons to Consider Sedation Dentistry

One of the most common fears in today’s society is going to the dentist. Whatever the cause of your discomfort may be, know you are not alone. Thankfully, the dental profession has spent decades researching this fear and working to help patients overcome it and get the treatment they need. Today, our sedation dentist in Charlotte NC can proudly offer sedation dentistry to all kinds of patients, regardless of the procedure.


Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Types of Sedation

Minimal. According to the National Library of Medicine, approximately 36% of the population suffers from dental anxiety, and a further 12% experience extreme fear. When the mind is our only setback, a minimal dose of sedation is most likely going to be the best option. Typically administered in the form of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, you remain completely conscious in a state of relaxation throughout your treatment.

Moderate. Entering a deeper state of peacefulness, moderate sedation is oftentimes the best path for longer procedures. Again, you are completely conscious and your vitals are monitored at all times. However, your senses will be impaired coming out of sedation. So, we always recommend having a friend or family member there to drive you home.

Needs for a Sedation

There are many reasons for the average patient without any serious medical issues to visit us for sedation dentistry Charlotte NC. To name a few:

  • Anxiety
  • Strong gag reflex
  • Trouble sitting in the dental chair for long periods of time

If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms in your previous dental experiences, then sedation dentistry may be the answer!


Safety & Comfort Ensured with our Sedation Dentist in Charlotte NC

The biggest question here is, “Is sedation dentistry safe?” The answer is a resounding YES! Our dentist has completed a comprehensive training program, certifying them to care for you in this way. During and following all procedures, your vitals will be monitored and recorded; therefore, if you have any questions, our dental staff will have all the answers.

So, if you have any questions about our sedation dentist Charlotte NC or experience dental anxiety and are looking for help, please feel free to contact us to learn more!

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